
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
V. Alstrup, Hansen, E. Steen, Daniels, F. J. A.2000Lichenized, lichenicolous and other fungi from North and North-East Greenland
B. Büdel, Meyer, A., Salzar, N., Zellner, H., Zotz, G., Lange, O. L.2000Macrolichens of montane rain forests in Panama, Province Chiriqu{\'ı
D. J. Galloway2000The lichen genus Peltigera (Peltigerales: Ascomycota) in New Zealand
O. Gilbert2000Lichens
T. Goward, Arsenault A.2000Cyanolichens and conifers: implications for global conservation
T. Goward, Goffinet B.2000Peltigera chionophila, a New Lichen (Ascomycetes) from the Western Cordillera of North America
A. Henssen2000Santessoniella rosettiformis, a new species from South America with notes on S. pulchella (Pannariaceae)
A. Henssen, Kantvilas G.2000Santessoniella rugosa (Pannariaceae), a new species from Tasmania
A. Henssen, Tønsberg T.2000Spilonemella, a New Genus of Cyanophilic Lichens with Species from North America and Japan (Coccocarpiaceae)
P. Magnus Jørgensen2000New or Interesting Parmeliella species from the Andes and Central America
P. Magnus Jørgensen2000On the Sorediate Counterparts of the Lichen Fuscopannaria leucosticta
P. M. Jørgensen2000Survey of the Lichen Family Pannariaceae on the American Continent, North of Mexico
P. M. Jørgensen2000Survey of the Lichen Family Pannariaceae on the American Continent, North of Mexico
P. M. Jørgensen, Kantvilas, G., Galloway, D. J.2000Three new species in the lichen genus Degelia
M. Schultz, Porembski, S., Büdel, B.2000Diversity of Rock-Inhabiting Cyanobacterial Lichens: Studies on Granite Inselbergs along the Orinoco and in Guyana
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith