
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
2009ArtDatabanken Swedish Species Information Centre
2008Index Fungorum [taxonomy information]
2002Commitee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)
T. Ahti, Brodo, I. M., Noble, W. J.1987Contributions to the lichen flora of British Columbia, Canada
A. Aptroot2008Sticta alpinotropica, a new saxicolous lichen species from the alpine zone of Mt Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea
B. Büdel, Meyer, A., Salzar, N., Zellner, H., Zotz, G., Lange, O. L.2000Macrolichens of montane rain forests in Panama, Province Chiriqu{\'ı
R. P. Cameron, Neily T.2008Heuristic model for identifying the habitats of Erioderma pedicellatum and other rare cyanolichens in Nova Scotia, Canada
R. P. Cameron, Richardson D. H. S.2006Occurrence and Abundance of Epiphytic Cyanolichens in Protected Areas of Nova Scotia
W. C. Denison2003Apothecia and ascospores of Lobaria oregana and Lobaria pulmonaria investigated
J. Dey1978Fruticose and Foliose Lichens of the High-Mountain Areas of the Southern Appalachians
C. W. Dodge1964Some Lichens of Tropical Africa IV: Dermatocarpaceae to Pertusariaceae
D. J. Galloway1998Studies on the lichen genus Sticta (Schreber) Ach.: V. Australian species
D. J. Galloway1997Nomenclatural notes on Pseudocyphellaria VI: Two Endemic Australian Taxa
D. J. Galloway1997Studies on the Lichen Genus Sticta (Schreber) Ach. IV. New Zealand Species
D. J. Galloway1995Studies on the lichen genus Sticta (Schreber) Ach.: III. Notes on species described by Bory de St-Vincent, William Hooker, and Delise, between 1804 and 1825
D. J. Galloway1994Studies in Pseudocyphellaria (Lichens) IV. Palaeotropical species (excluding Australia)
D. J. Galloway1994Studies on the lichen genus Sticta (Schreber) Ach.: II. Typification of taxa from Swartz’s Prodromus of 1788
D. J. Galloway1994Pseudocyphellaria lacerata, New to the Faeroe Islands
D. J. Galloway1994Studies on the Lichen Genus Sticta (Schreber) Ach.: I. Southern South American Species
D. J. Galloway1993Pseudocyphellaria halei sp. nov. from New Zealand
D. J. Galloway1986Non-glabrous species of Pseudocyphellaria from Southern South America
D. J. Galloway1985Nomenclatural notes on Pseudocyphellaria II: Some Southern Hemisphere Taxa
D. J. Galloway1983New taxa in the New Zealand lichen flora
D. J. Galloway1983Nomenclatural notes on Pseudocyphellaria I. The Identity of Pseudocyphellaria neglecta
D. J. Galloway, Arvidsson L.1990Studies in Pseudocyphellaria (Lichens) II. Ecuadorean species
D. J. Galloway, James, P. W., .L.Wilkins, A.1983Further Nomenclatural and Chemical Notes on Pseudocyphellaria in New Zealand
D. J. Galloway, Kemp S.1993Palaeotropical species of Pseudocyphellaria collected by Gunnar Degelius in 1964 and 1970
T. Goward, Arsenault A.2000Cyanolichens and conifers: implications for global conservation
T. G. A. Green, Kilian, E., Lange, O. L.1991Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis: A Desiccation-Sensitive, Highly Shade-Adapted Lichen from New Zealand
M. E. Hale1958Studies on the chemistry and distribution of North American lichens
T. Hallingbäck1989Occurrence and ecology of the lichen Lobaria scrobiculata in southern Sweden
C. J. B. Hitch, Millbank J. W.1975Nitrogen Metabolism in Lichens. VII. Nitrogenase Activity and Heterocyst Frequency in Lichens with Blue-Green Phycobionts
H. A. Imshaug1950New and noteworthy lichens from Mt. Rainier National Park
W. Paul Jordan1973The Genus Lobaria in North America North of Mexico
W. Paul Jordan1970The Internal Cephalodia of the Genus Lobaria
H. Kristinsson1981Additions to the lichen flora of Iceland II
T. H. Lumbsch, Huhndorf S. M.2007Outline of Ascomycota - 2007. [Classification Information]
P. M. McCarthy2010Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories
B. McCune2003Pseudocyphellaria In the Pacific Northwest
T. McDonald, Miadlikowska, J., Lutzonic, F. {\cc}ois2003The Lichen Genus Sticta in the Great Smoky Mountains: A Phylogenetic Study of Morphological, Chemical, and Molecular Data
J. Miadlikowska, McCune, B., Lutzon, F.2002Pseudocyphellariea perpetua a new lichen from western North America
Y. Sil Park1990The Macrolichen Flora of South Korea
B. Renner, Galloway D. J.1982Phycosybiodemes in Pseudocyphellaria in New Zealand
A. M. Shirazi, Muir, P. S., McCune, B.1996Environmental factors influencing the distribution of the lichens Lobaria oregana and L. pulmonaria
S. C. Sillett1994Growth Rates of Two Epiphytic Cyanolichen Species at the Edge and in the Interior of a 700-Year-Old Douglas Fir Forest in the Western Cascades of Oregon
T. C. Summerfield, Galloway, D. J., Eaton-Rye, J. J.2002Species of Cyanolichen from Pseudocyphellaria with Indistinguishable ITS Sequences Have Different Photobionts
J. W. Thomson, Ahti T.1994Lichens Collected on an Alaska Highway Expedition in Alaska and Canada
T. Tønsberg, Goward T.2001 Sticta oroborealis sp. nov., and Other Pacific North American Lichens Forming Dendriscocauloid Cyanotypes
K. Yazici1999Lichen flora of Trabzon [Trabzon ili likenleri]
L. Zedda2002The Epiphytic Lichens on Quercus in Sardinia (Italy) and Their Value as Ecological Indicators
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith